Breakfast Today: Banana Muffins, Yogurt, Pears with Blueberries, and Milk
Lunch Today: Taco Salad, Spanish Rice, Apricots, Veggies, and Milk
Breakfast Tomorrow:
Lunch Tomorrow:
Teach To of the Week: Bathroom BehaviorUse the bathroom during your passing Period.
Girls Bathroom will be locked before school and During Snack Break because of possible Vaping problems.
Last day of the Bomb Jars is today! Great Job Students on raising so much money for our school!
Hat Day and Snack Stand Tomorrow!
Student Council meeting today at Lunch
Girls basketball @ Corvallis Mar. 1: Bus leaves at 3 (you are out at 2:55) game at 4 pm
Girls basketball home vs. Hamilton Mar. 2 game at 4 pm
Science Olympiad Practice- Today 3:30- 5:30 pm and March 4th 10 am to Noon.
Bozeman trip is March 7th and 8th! Keep practicing!