We hope you had a great weekend!
Remember to: Be respectful, responsible, safe and LEARN!!!!
and while we're at it... you should also:
Be prepared ( so that you can be both safe and responsible!!!): It's going to get COLD out there tonight!
Be smart. Dress for the weather.
Quote of the Day:
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
Geography ? of the Day: How many states does Florida border?
Math ?: What is the square root of 625?
*Veteran's Day concert is TOMORROW! (Tuesday November 11, 2014) The program starts at 9am. Classes are to sit together on the WEST side on the bleachers
*Book Fair is THIS WEEK! Wednesday November 12 - Friday November 15. Don't forget that EVERY student has a $4.00 coupon to spend thanks to our PTM! All students will visit the book fair with their English classes.
*Student Council meets tomorrow (tuesday) during lunch in Ms. Muchmore's room.
*Basketball this week: Thursday vs. Valley Christian (home) at 4pm and Friday vs. Victor (away) at 4pm. Go ROCKETS!
*Student Council SPIRIT WEEK is next week:
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Backwards Day
Thursday: Decades day: 6th grade - 60's; 7th grade - 70's; 8th grade - 80's
Friday: School Spirit Day - Wear blue and gold!!!
* MathCounts is on THURSDAY after school - 3:30 - 4:30 in Ms. Chanin's room. (Sorry basketball players and managers. I promise there will be plenty of MathCounts after basketball is over.)
A few pictures from CRAZY HAIR DAY (there should have been more... sorry...)
Geography answer: 2 - Georgia and Alabama
Math answer: 25
3 - 2 - 1 BLAST OFF to a great day!