We are so fortunate to have this view from our school grounds:
Geography Question:
Which US State is named for a French King?
Geography Question:
Which US State is named for a French King?
- Parent/Teacher conferences are TODAY (and Monday)
- Students are dismissed at 1:15pm today. (and Monday)
- Book Fair continues today! Did anyone find a book they are really excited to read? Tell us about it in the comments section below this post.
-First Quarter Awards Assembly is THIS Friday at 2:45pm
- Boys Basketball plays Valley TODAY @ 4:00pm in our lovely gym here at Lone Rock School. Tomorrow (Friday) the boys travel down the valley to take on the Victor Pirates - also at 4pm.
- Spirit Week is NEXT week! Don't forget!!!
Monday: PJ's
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Backwards Day
Thursday: Decades Day
Friday: School Spirit Day (Blue and Yellow)
- Lunch today is: Ham and Cheese Sandwich, mayo and mustard, potato chips, apple slices, jello, fresh veggies and milk
Fun Fact:
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
I really like that math fact. I'll have to try it out myself.